The time has come for the Dance India Dance Telugu Grand Finale. This is the season’s most awaited event and a celebration of dance. The grand finale will be held on 22nd January 2023. All participants have been trained by some of the biggest choreographers in the industry, making it a spectacular competition to watch. Check out the winner of Dance India Dance Telegu below.
The judges for this season include Baba Bhaskar, Sangeetha, and Anandhi who together will decide who takes home the grand prize. The show is hosted by Akul Balaji and Rohini. The grand finale of Dance India Dance Telugu is sure to be one to remember for years to come. The final episodes will be aired at 9.00 Pm on Zee Telugu channel. So get ready for an evening full of entertainment and fun – it’s time for Dance India Dance Telugu Grand Finale! See the Dance India Dance Telugu winners and more Grand Finale details below.
Dance India Dance Telugu Winner
Winners | Abbu & Akshada |
First Runner-up | Prajwal & Dhakshitha |
Second Runner-up | Sharat & Aayushi |
Fourth Position | Cherry and Bhoomika |
Dance India Dance Telugu Grand Finale Date, Time and Telecast Channel
Date – 22nd January 2023
Time – 9.00 PM
Telecast Channel - Zee Telugu
Special Guest of the Grand Finale
Akhil Akkineni
Dance India Dance Telugu 2023 Grand Finale Promo Video
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Dance India Dance Telugu is a reality show broadcasted on Zee Telugu that has managed to gain a high degree of popularity among the audience in no time. It is a dance-based reality competition of its kind in South India and provides an incredible platform for passionate dancers.
The show promises an exciting experience as it features some of the best dancers from the region, along with seasoned mentors, judges and celebrity guests who offer valuable insights into the world of dance. The entire series is divided into various rounds where contestants must perform challenging moves and routines to impress the judges and viewers alike. All this makes Dance India Dance Telugu an incredibly entertaining show that will keep viewers hooked till the very end!